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Upgrading to V1.0

After a long time in Beta, Vue Test Utils finally released v1.0! We deprecated some methods that were not helpful, so you might see several deprecation warnings after upgrading. This guide will help you migrate away from them.

You can read the release notes for V1 here or the discussion around the deprecations here.


In beta,find could be used to find both DOM nodes (using the querySelector syntax) or a component (via a component reference, a ref or a name option). This behavior is now split into two methods: find and findComponent.

If you were using this syntax:

  • find(Foo)
  • find({ name: 'foo' })
  • find({ ref: 'my-ref' })

Change them to be findComponent.

You may continue using find on DOM nodes using the querySelector syntax.


This method was deprecated because it tends to encourage testing implementation details, which is a bad practice. Assertions using this can simply be removed; if you really need a substitute, you can do expect((...).vm).toBeTruthy(), which is basically what isVueInstance was doing.


Tests using contains can be replaced with find or findComponent or get. For example, expect(wrapper.contains('#el')).toBe(true) may be written as wrapper.get('#el'), which will throw an error if the selector is not matched. Another way to write this using find is expect(wrapper.find('#el').element).toBeTruthy().


You may rewrite tests using is to use element.tagName instead. For example, wrapper.find('div').is('div') may be written as wrapper.find('div').element.tagName.


Finding out whether a DOM node is empty is not a Vue specific feature, and it is something that is difficult to get right. Rather than re-invent the wheel, we have decided it's better to delegate to an existing, well tested solution by default. Consider the excellent toBeEmpty matchers from jest-dom, for example, if you are using Jest.


Asserting against name encourages testing implementation details, which is a bad practice. If you need this feature, though, you can use vm.$ for Vue components or element.tagName for DOM nodes. Again, consider if you really need this test - it's likely you don't.

setMethods and mountingOptions.methods

By using setMethods, you are mutating the Vue instance - this is not something Vue supports, and may lead to coupled, flaky tests.

There is no straight forward replacement for this. If you have a complex method you would like to stub out, consider moving it another file and using your test runner's stub or mock functionality.

For example, you may want to avoid an API call:

const Foo = {
  created() {
  methods: {
    getData() {

Instead of doing:

mount(Foo, {
  methods: {
    getData: () => {}

Mock out the axios dependency. In Jest, for example, you can do jest.mock('axios'). This will prevent the API call, without mutating your Vue component.

If you need more help migrating, you can join the VueLand server on Discord.

Deprecation Warnings

Deprecation warnings can be silenced.

import { config } from '@vue/test-utils'

config.showDeprecationWarnings = false